Sunday, April 22, 2012

Point of View from 11 year old daughter

My Mom is Anna-Lisa Johanson. I own and ride a pony named Dream. Riding is an intense, outdoor, hands on, work! My Mom was pregnant during one of my Pony and Me overnight camps and she came anyway as a chaperone. I know she went through a lot of pain and I also know it was hard. It is hard living with someone going through chronic pain. You have to do extra chores and when she has a headache or too tired ( I am not complaining). It is hard to have sleepovers at my house because my Mom is sometimes in pain and she cannot handle more than 2 children. My Mom has had chronic pain my WHOLE life, but then when we moved here she met Ms. Christy.  ( Ms. Christy other blogger on Myalgia Mommies) we started having fun and we started ignoring the chronic pain. We did fun crafts and took fun road trips that were pain free AND fun! My Mom is the best!

1 comment:

  1. You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful young woman. Thank you for posting your point of view on our blog. I am so thankful to have you in my life!

    Love you.
    Ms. Christy


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